Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Benefits of Chocolate for Health Food

 Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar, 1.55-Ounce Bars (Pack of 36)
 Customer image from B. Davis "The H...

The Origins of The Familiar Cocoa
Savor chocolate from the time of the Aztecs and the Maya in Mexico has been believed, that chocolate is a food of the gods, and sent by the god of Agriculture from heaven. In those days most of the cocoa is processed into a drink with a bitter taste, just around the years 1502-1528 the Spaniards gave the sugar mixture into the chocolate. Then the year 1765 chocolate factory was established in Massachusetts, USA. Chocolate is the food that is not perishable, because chocolate contains as much as 6% polyphenols as antioxidants that may prevent chocolate from stale.

Composition of Chocolate
Cocoa beans contain 9% protein, 14% carbohydrate, and fat 31%. 9% of protein contained in addition, cocoa beans also contain phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan amino acid in large quantities. Cocoa beans contain alkanoid which causes a bitter taste. According to Joel Glenn Brenner describes recent research, chocolate is created from a mixture of 1200 kinds of substances. Some of the substances it feels very uncomfortable if you stand alone. Therefore, until now no artificial chocolate flavor. Falsification of chocolate can be detected by the taste too sweet or fatty foods, because the sugar or vegetable oils are often used to replace cocoa. The content is so diverse, making it very attractive seed all over, even used as an abstract commodity trade as an investment medium. Adverse effects of foods derived from cocoa beans to the health of course there are such causes of obesity and caries, with mengkosumsi regularly and keep the rules of healthy living can benefit immensely from this brown food. A study at Harvard University said that by doing enough physical activity and a balanced diet, you can benefit chocolate without having to worry with the risk of caries or obesity. Many processed into chocolate snack or a chocolate bar favored by many people at various ages.

Benefits of Chocolate for Health Food
Food Chocolate to capture free radicals from the body The benefits of chocolate are obtained due to the high content of antioxidants in chocolate, 3 x more than green tea. Cocoa beans are the best antioxidant, helps reduce the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, and would raise the libido. Chocolate in some cases even help cure breast cancer treatment, treating chronic cough and boost brain performance. Chocolate can reduce cholesterol in the blood. Chocolate can prevent heart disease and cancer. Cocoa can prevent high blood pressure and stroke. According to scientists, the chocolate is eaten in normal amounts on a regular basis can lower blood pressure. Chocolate contains alkaloids which have physiological effects to the body. which many attributed to the level of serotonin in the brain.

Food Chocolate as Stimulants Masculinity
Dr. Dora Nkem Akunyili, director of Food and Medicine of the Federal Agency of Nigeria quoted healthy life-health website, managed to find and prove that the fruit chocolate is no longer merely exotic food is not only nice to evoke mood (mood) that is bad. Brown also as a potent aphrodisiac for heating affair with pasangan. Reputedly properties contained in arousing the libido of a man than 'blue pill' that popular middle-aged men consumed in the countries of Europe and America. In his presentation, telling the men further minimize the consumption of Viagra. And, begin to replace the chocolate in the appropriate size to help increase libido. Because cocoa beans beneficial for increasing sex drive. chocolate itself is the product of 'love' better than the consumption of 'blue pill' aka Viagra. "Viagra can cause effects that we do not want, but the chocolate has not been shown to have adverse side effects of the body," he said. chocolate in some cases to help cure breast cancer treatment, treating chronic cough and boost brain performance. In its report, Akunyili said, because chocolate contains chemicals that are very diverse. These foods diprediksinya contains more than 300 chemical substances, including small amounts of caffeine, theobromine, and a stimulant called phenylethylamine (related to amphetamine) are also contained in chocolate, which proved to be raising interest and sexual function in eating chocolate. Consumption of chocolate-themed campaign Feeding Your Imagination, was launched as a way to market the six types of chocolate products that contain essential oils that can enhance and improve your mood, especially sexual desire. To further build the image will be magic in boosting libido chocolate, then chocolate marketed for six dollars or about $ 50- per rod with a weight of 100 g was also carrying the names of the sensual smells, like Sexy, Beautiful, Dreamy, Fantastic, Sensual, Lovely.  

Chocolate for Beauty
Chocolate became a luxury food symbol symbol of love It's a gentle interaction, was textures, unique, and gives the impression of a very comfortable fit is given to your partner as a sign of love is very sincere. In February production and sales of chocolate go up drastically because Falentine's day. And rumors are now hunted brown women for beauty. Research and recent studies have proven that chocolate is a good ingredient for skin care supplements. Some of the symptoms of skin disorders in women such as dry and rough causing dull appearance. The skin actually require moisture or moisturizer. Some of the moisturizers on the market are made from harmful chemicals that are not friendly to the skin and harmful to long term. Some smart women use natural materials to obtain the same results and even better, one of them is Chocolate to skin beauty. There are no rules governing the application of brown on the female body, the application of chocolate could be anywhere, including the face and entire body. Chocolate is not only moisturize, but also can soften and tighten sagging skin. Chocolate for beauty is not just meant to be used outside of the skin, but was also able to be eaten. By eating chocolate regularly could produce the same effect with the implementation of chocolate on the entire body. Many recommend the chocolate salon for beauty as compared to other materials. Brown is much cheaper and easier to obtain. The effect obtained is also faster because the substances in chocolate which is basically the acid reacts very good on our skin. For use in beauty salons, chocolate is generally extracted and combined on the face and body cream. In addition to chocolate beauty could be in the form of masks and treatments like chocolate bath and aroma therapy. The basic ingredients of chocolate has actually been used all along, but its application to brown beauty was not widespread because of the tendency of people to choose a plant or flowers as a beauty ingredient. Chocolate shown to inhibit aging such as eliminating keru on the face. Antioxidants in chocolate is good for the body can be gained from orally consuming chocolate or eaten directly. Chocolate contains antioxidants that can maintain heart health, lowers blood pressure and as a trigger endorphins that pleasure in the liver. Actually, the secret of chocolate for beauty is in the womb which can induce a feeling of relaxed so as there is a feeling of comfort in the heart. Beauty derived from natural ingredients must be more prolonged and certainly more secure than other kimawi materials. In addition to simple and delicious eaten, chocolate was very much beneficial to health. If you are depressed, chocolate can be good anti-depressants and give a feeling of comfort. That is why two people who are in love think chocolate is the food that remains for strengthening the feeling happy and warm in the liver, the effect is also seen when a person actually uses chocolate to beauty.

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