Friday, February 24, 2012

Chocolate for health

Chocolate for health benefits.
Can lower blood pressure in our body. Brown was efficacious to make age a person becomes longer. Prevent premature aging that can occur due to pollution or radiation. Recent research suggests there are opportunities also have benefits for treating stroke. A study from the University of California revealed that chocolate can help prevent blood clots, something that can help patients affected by stroke. Researchers say chocolate has the same effect as aspirin are known as anti-blood clotting.

Chocolate can cause effects to be happy and calm feelings.
Carbohydrates are formed by a chemical in chocolate that helps produce serotonin, the brain stimulation, so we feel relaxed and calm. Eating chocolate will not cause addiction, but for some delicious chocolate flavor that may lead to the desire to take it back (chocolate craving). It is often associated with the content of phenylethylamine in chocolate that can produce dopamine, which can give rise to feelings of pleasure. Phenylethylamine is also aphrodisiac, which elicits feelings of such people who are in love. Prevent the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. Brown has the ability to inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increase immune function, which can prevent the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer.

Any useful substances contained in chocolate making chocolate can be beneficial for health?
Based on data obtained from the medical research world, there are some substances contained in chocolate compositions. These compositions contained in chocolate:

Chocolate also contains high levels of polyphenols, compounds found in foods of plant origin that acts as an antioxidant that may help prevent cancer. Polyphenols in amounts high enough and can function as antioxidants. Phenolik compounds may reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing oxidation and deposition of fatty compounds in the blood vessels and damage the low-density lipoprotein lipids (bad fats). Phenol is also found in red wine that is well known as the drink is good for heart health.

Phenylethylamine is also aphrodisiac, which elicits feelings of such people who are in love .. . delicious chocolate may cause the desire to take it back (chocolate craving). It is often associated with the content of phenylethylamine in chocolate that can produce dopamine, which can give rise to feelings of pleasure.

Chocolate is rich in catechins. One function of antioxidants is to prevent premature aging that can occur due to pollution or radiation. Catechins are also found in tea even though the amount is not as much as the chocolate. Tea because it can make the skin radiant and youthful face. If they know that chocolate contains higher than tea catechins, maybe they would recommend a bath scrub with

Linoleic acid (3%) and Oleic acid (35%). 
Third of the fat contained in chocolate is oleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. Oleic acid is also predominantly found in olive oil. Oleic acid is also predominantly found in olive oil. University of California researchers also found that flavan-3-ols, compounds found in chocolate can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Epidemiological studies in Mediterranean populations who consume lots of oleic acid from olive oil oleic concluded positive effects on heart health. A study shows that chocolate is also good for bone growth and healing process.

Palmitate acid (25%) and Stearic Acid (35%). 
Stearic acid is neutral fat that will not trigger blood cholesterol. Why? Stearate was slowly digested by our bodies and also absorbed less. Brown has the ability to inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increase immune function, which can prevent the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. Interestingly, chocolate could cure a cough. According to experts, a chemical found in chocolate are better at curing coughs than cough medicine. It is in the underlying at a compound called theobromine which can prevent coughing. Fat in chocolate, cocoa butter is often called, is mostly composed of saturated fat (60%), especially stearate. But brown fat is vegetable fat which does not contain cholesterol. A habit that, chocolate is often used as a sign to express love, affection, or just to give more attention to certain people (Valentine Day). Besides chocolate also contains theobromine and caffeine that provide energy for the body. Both substances have been known to give effect to those who consume them awake, eating chocolate is potent enough to make us excited again. It's just chocolate to watch, especially for people who are prone to suffer from kidney stones. Therefore, healthy tips that can be recommended is drink plenty of water after eating chocolate.

Theobromine.Sugar (Sucrose).

Contradictory opinion for chocolate from a reputable medical journal with the title of the properties of chocolate is now widely "abused"Chocolate is usually used to express their affection for the couple. In addition to delicious, chocolate is known bermanfat to health. Research and many studies that prove that chocolate has health benefits. Bio-active substances in the form of anti-oxidants are believed to be beneficial in terms of medical, psychological and even chocolate can make you feel comfortable. Even so do not be deceived by the properties of these delicious sweets nan. It is better to consider it again or even be wise to choose chocolate products, because it is not impossible that you will get a loss rather than the expected benefits of these foods. Chocolate as a snack comes after a leading medical journal in its latest edition states that the benefits of chocolate is now widely "abused". For that to be considered again. Many manufacturers of cocoa flavanols is now just remove the content because it tastes bitter. As a result, many chocolate products on the market currently dominated by just a fat and sugar. Yet this is precisely these two substances is the enemy of the heart and blood vessels. Many studies have suggested that eating chocolate can reduce the risk of heart disease, lowers blood pressure and relieve fatigue. But according to an article written in the journal Lancet, chocolate can actually be deceiving.
"When companies make chocolate candy, chocolate ingredients that make a solid natural color becomes black and flavanols that tastes bitter, it is removed. Therefore, dark brown that looks can be no flavanol.
"Consumers are always too blinded by the flavanol content of chocolate because manufacturers rarely provide any information on this information in its products," wrote the Lancet. The Journal also noted that although a product of flavanols contained in cocoa, chocolate lovers must remain alert to the substance or other content.
"Contradictory of chocolate is dark chocolate contained in fat, sugar and calories contained in it. To get the properties for health, for who like to eat dark chocolate in moderate amounts should balance it by reducing the intake of other foods.